Monday, September 6, 2010

uh. . . Time for a random awkward story. I'm just an idiot sometimes and i think that everyone is friendly and wants to be my friend. . but I need to stop that because it's not very true. I guess black girls don't like it when white girls come to a black club barbeque. that's all i've got to say about that.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

so i'm just going to tell the internet story real quick because I am officially an adult after dealing with this hellness. So, our apartment was in charge of getting our own internet! So I took over and called the comcast guy to get it set up. Dusty (the guy) told me it would be $30 a month and a $20 installation fee. Pretty cheap between 8 girls right?(we decided to share with the apartment below us to make it cheaper). well, the guy comes the next day and he sets up this thing (it's called a modem i guess) and has a cable that only hooks to one of our computers. So obviously we told him that we ordered wireless internet and not what he was hooking up right then. then he tells us that we needed a router that would either be $60 to buy or we needed to rent one from them for $7 more a month. GAY! Dusty never told me that and I was pissed! Especially since we had already been going a week with no internet and we needed it ASAP! So i give Dusty a call all pissed-like, and he tells me we need to go pick up the "router" (the thing that will make our internet wireless) from the comcast store. so we went to go pick it up. we waited in like for a half hour for the lady to tell us that they are out. she said we could either order it and it would be a week for it to arrive, or we could just go buy our own. there was no way in hell i was going to wait another week for the damn internet, so we went to wal mart and $55 later, we bought the router (technically it was only $7 a girl, so not too shabby). then we go to set it up at home, and IT WOULDN'T WORK!!! finally, after three hours and a tub of double fudge brownie ice cream, IT WORKED! so after two days of us working our asses off, we got internet! now i can talk to all my b.s. and hear about their lives too. and! we all feel pretty bad ass doing all that shit by ourselves!!! :)
I have internet now so I can post stuff!!! First off, I LOVE COLLEGE!!!!! This place is my home! I have met so many people and everyone here is SO nice! My roomates are very. . molly mormom, but they are way nice and easy to live with. I haven't sworn around them yet though because I feel I might give them a heart attack or something. Anyway, classes are so much fun and a little scary. . but a good scary! I'm already really busy but it's a fun busy and a good kind of stress (if that makes any sense). There are so many black and brown guys here! it's just a chocolate latte heaven! And fyi, yesterday i joined the black club, native american club, the polynesian club, AND the hispanic club :) very happy with those decisions! I also joined the Hurd, the alumni association, and the rugby team (We'll see how that one goes. . . that was a random decision). I miss all my friends and i miss mi bebe, but being up here definitly keeps me distracted! once again I love this place so much and I am SO happy. :)